
Hey guys! Here to show off my sweetie sister! My twin-like bestf <3

Our faces are like.... glowing. Don't you just love it, babe? :P

Met up last minute cus she misses me (so do I hehe) and I have yet to take my lunch! Who cares bout the weather, we still met up near our house (yes we stay near each other!) and have a good time chitchatting.

As usual, took out our homework for display and started chatting, watching videos and have had a great laugh over certain things. We can really talk alot, and things have been like this for years already! How amazing our friendship can last even tho we've some rough times in the past. *winks*

Love her alot!
P.S if you're reading this, babe let me know! Hope you're like going 'awww' hahahah :p

love ma readers too xoxo