The V-Day

Wish they were mine.
  Val's Day is comingggggggggg! I wonder what's new for the couples since it's like any other days for me actually!
Sky's pretty. Nature's beautiful.
Taken in school during morn assembly. It's just like any other days but the sky was so........ awesomely pretty. Moon's out of shape tho LOL

I couldn't wait to get out of school tho there was only 3 lessons. Last lesson was VIP and FINANCIAL PLANNING AGAIN. Our school that boring? Yes.

Lunch down @ JP Swens. My first and last meal of the day : Pastaaaaaaaaa
Ever since my fave stall moved away, I've never had the chance to eat properly during recess ;_; time for me to prep my own recess everyday ................ SUCKS,
 Got myself new book!!!!! Pretty happy cuz it's the first time a book is actually on my want-you-list kekekeke
I'm an ultra-fan of ARTBOX. TOTALLY LOVE 'EM! Get me gifts from Artbox for my Sweet16 PLEASE? ^______^ Anything willl do, even a pair of socks, pencil holder, notebook, or even eraser!

Haha okie just gonna blog a lil since it's been dead for long. All I do everyday is homework, Homework, and HOMEWORKKKKK. You'll nv know how much I detest my life and yet able to move on happily. How contradicting, but I guess that's really how life is for O's students this year!!

Heading to school in another like less than 2hrs' timeeee! Shopping at town after school! Hope to get my hair cut before going offfff! See you real soon ;)

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