

As a Shawol, I'm here to wish you Happy 21st Birthday! You're the most Charismatic oppa ever ............. <3 Your abs are so darn hot. No wonder you're flaminho. /melts/  Wish you'll have a great day w your SHINee members and pleazpleazpleaz update your me2day ^-^ Stay strong and healthy! All the best for everything ~ ^^ #wangjachoiday #flaminho21

My shining boys have been really busy and worn out I believe, due to the recent hectic schedule! Travelling to different countries here and there, definitely gonna have jetlag and not having ample of sleep :( I hope they're taking good care of their bodies and health! Recently they've been releasing new Jap songs and the JAP ALBUM IS OUT! Few days ago, actually. 'SHINee The First' is so gonna be awesome. Japanese are REALLY lucky cuz there are new songs included and it's in their language, hmph. Waiting for their comeback, which is in February! HWAITING HWAITING HWAITING OPPAs! ^^
Yesterday ...............................

SS Project time! I swear Projs are a waste of time during hols. But I had fun meeting my friends and we slacked. We only managed to complete ..... half a board = 1/3 of A question hahahaha k we're pro LOL

Great thing was I had yoggie first thing in the afternoon! That was my breakfast. ^^ Home in the evening and I continued my RM watching!

Today's a great Friday! Yes TGIF 8) I woke up at 1130 this morn and was quite surprised by it. I'm gonna spend my day well like this :

- Cooking spaghetti for lunch (in the process of boiling my noodles now)
- Blog (doing so now)
- Watch RM :D
-  Do some work (hopefully)
- Out for shopping (if possible)
- Definitely gonna do exercise!
- Music Bank if am able to catch it.

And bytheway, it's SNSD's day today in Sg! They've arrived yest and I've no idea which hotel they're staying at cuz I'm not officially a SONE tho I listened to their songs too.

How're you gonna spend your day today? :) Have a good day ahead! Wait for more updates from me yep! ;) Hugs.

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