What's up guys! PUT YOUR HANDS UP if you're here! K just kidding, cuz I couldnt see you. If you really did put your hands up ............................. i dont know what to say of you.

Meeting in the morn regarding Sec1 Orientation briefing and thank goodness I'm just gonna mentor my juniors this time! No more major proj for me pleaz 8)
Down to Clementi Mall for lunch and I was seriously L O S T! The place appeared .. weird to me. Oops!

Sister's Cookie Monster!
Our complementary Fries!
Grilled Fish Sambal! <3
The love of my life, YOGGIE ^^

The service was kinda awful, not that I wanna complain or demand much but. It's not like there are many people, but I think it's the speed of their work. And our hot water came late, so I joked around and said, I guess they're still boiling it. But it was worst than what I thot cuz the water isnt hot - or warm. Sigh!
My template's appearing kinda weird so... okay bear w me pleaz. Another blog post coming up, stay tuned! :)

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