where the old comes back to trend

 Past photos !
 Currently my addiction all of a sudden ~
 Dad cooked this for me few days ago ^^
Okay so most of you should've know this by now....
 At least for me. ^^
Isn't it cool, I started and ended my O's today, keke. Merely had MT paper so, yup! Should say it's quite manageable, so I ended up treating it as FYE paper lol. To those who had the paper as well, HOW WAS IT? :) Hope you guys can score well! Really hope just the papers I can score .... A2?? Or at least a B4...
Since today's a happy day, let me try blogging in chinese. Here's how I translate the previous para :
Woah finally I finished translating... My Chinese kinda suck so pardon me if I translate correctly! I know the meaning is at least there keke.

Dont you think that guy is damn hot? Trying to find a guy w such perfect bodeh seriously.......

But when it comes to true love, I'll let Fate do the job and I go for heart more than looks of course. ^^

Ciaos and have a great day ahead tomo! :) Take care ~~~~~

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