
On a Friday after a long day of school, I finally got out of school to meet my B at night.
Thanks to his army, we had a stay-over again!

Night stroll with baby boy and B - my two faves meet again.
I feel the love, when he walks my dog with one hand and another around my waist.
Perfect family.

And going on to Saturday.
After only almost 3hrs of sleep, I had to wake up again. 
But I'm prolly one of the luckiest girlfriend to be able to send her army boyfriend into the camp with the help of my parents (yes we're connected even in the army!)
Glad that we managed to be with one another for a period of time before he's gone again.

But hey we're gna meet again the next day - Sunday!

Friday-Saturday-Sunday are just too good days I cherish them so much <3
